The path

DeVane & Associates Hospitality Group is a concept concierge and protective service company with vision. We are eager to create long term relationships with each client opportunity, and continue the growth and development found beneficial in challenge. We seek to provide the ultimate luxury experience consultatively, and carefully select the human resource capital to facilitate our combined mission. Our understanding of measuring the success of our deliverables will come through transparent and frequent dialogue. We will fail at times. We will learn from those failures and inabilities and modify any and all related practices to avoid repeating those failures. Our model will support reporting, supervision at the desk level by our resource team, and trend identification both industry and property specific. We will learn the habits of every resident and provide intuitive services that celebrate their individuality. We will build community, value and assist in retention one service program at a time. We, in humility ask for your partnership in serving our clients, and the founding opportunity to be ingredient rooted in the lifestyle of your community.